Creating a new product is so easy with RestApp. There are three different ways to do that, we will explain both of them in our knowledge base.
In this article we will explain regular and detailed method. You can create a product with all details with this method. If you want to create products quickly, you can check out our Creating a New Product with Quick Method article.
Follow these steps to create a new product:
- Login to your dashboard.
- Navigate to Products page under Products menu.
- Click on “Create Product” button on top right of the page.
- Now you need to enter product details in first tab, and product prices with tax rates in second tab. You can find explanations of inputs below.
- As you will also notice, there are two different “Add” buttons. When you are done entering product details, click on one of them.
Add and Complete
Product will be created and you will be redirected to product listing page.
Add and Continue
Product will be created and you will be back to product editing page again. Use this button for adding the product if you want to do one of the following after product is created:
– Add Portions
– Add Inventory Amounts (You need to enable “Inventory Tracking” for this.)
– Add Ingredients (For customers to remove/deselect ingredients.)
– Open or Close Product for Specific Days or Hours
– Assign Pre-Created Modifiers (Article: Creating Modifiers for Products)
– Add Special Product Offers (Article: Creating Discounted Product Offers Under Products)
Note: Reason behind this is these features can’t be used before product is created on the system. So you can only use them after creating the product. That’s why there is also a “Add and Continue” button.
Of course you can do all of these later by editing product anytime. So you can simply click on “Add and Complete” button if you don’t want to deal with these details right away.
Explanation of Product Details and Settings
Product Name
Product name needs to be unique, there can be only one product with same name, and maximum lenght should be 50 characters long.
Note: If you have more than one languages defined, you need to enter product name in all languages.
Product Category and Sub Category
Select a category for your product. If the selected category has its sub-categories, you will see another input under category input. You also need to select a sub category in that case.
If you don’t see any categories, you need to create categories from Categories page under Products menu. (Check out our Creating New Category or Sub Category article.)
Product Barcode
You can use barcode input if you are using RestApp Point of Sale System or your RestApp Online Ordering system is integrated with a third party POS or Stock Management system. – Optional.
Product Description
You can enter product description or details. Optional.
Note: If you have more than one languages defined, you need to enter product description in all languages.
Product Image
You can upload an image of your product, it’s always suggested so your customers can know what to expect, and make an easier decision when ordering. Optional.
Recommended image size: Min. 800x800px.
Suggested Products
You can add suggested products for the product you are creating. For example, you are creating a product called “Cheese Burger”, and you selected “Chips” under suggested products. Your customers will see “Chips” as suggested product after adding “Cheese Burger” to their order. You can select as many suggested products as you need. – Optional.
Product Informations & Allergens
You can select product informative icons or allergens for your products from this list. If your product has allergens, you need to select those allergens, so your customers will know that. – Optional.
You can enter calorie detail of your products in kcal. – Optional.
You can enter weight detail of your products in grams. For example, if you are creating a Steak Burger, and it has 200 gr’s of meat, you can enter 200. – Optional.
Preparation Time
Enter a time value in minutes, so your customers will know how long can it take to prepare that product. (This time should not include delivery time. Delivery time is displayed at cart depending on customers location.)
Product Color
This is only used if you are using RestApp POS. Products will be displayed with selected color in your POS system.
Inventory Tracking
If you want to stop selling a product when its out of stock, you can enable this setting. You will also receive daily inventory mails for your inventory status.
To enable inventory tracking, set it to Open, and enter a SKU code. This can be a random code. But don’t click on Locations Inventory yet. You can set inventory amounts after saving your product when you finish all details. Don’t forget to come back to enter amounts by clicking this button.
Featured Product
If enabled, product will be displayed with Featured tag on it, and on top of its parent category.
New Product
If enabled, there will be a “New Products” category displayed above all categories which lists newest products that you selected.
Best Seller
If enabled, there will be a “Best Seller” category displayed above all categories which lists best selling products that you selected.
Product Status
Leave this as Active if you want this product to be open for sale. You can disable this if you don’t want to make this product ready for sale yet.
Online Ordering
Leave this as Active if you want this product to be open for online ordering. (Delivery, Pickup)
Show on POS
If you want this product only available in POS and not available for Online Ordering, enable this setting, and disable previous Online Ordering setting.
Auto Add to Cart
If you have a must-buy product for all orders, you can enable this setting. So this product will be automatically added to your customers cart when they add any other product. They will not be able to remove this product from their carts if this setting is enabled.
For example: Some countries require businesses to sell shopping bags or food bags with orders, so businesses have to charge customers for plastic bags for fixed amount, you can use this feature for such cases.