Setting-up Stripe for Online Payments

You need to have an active account with Stripe before starting to this article. You can sign up for Stripe easily in few minutes and activate your account same day.

After activating your Stripe account, follow these steps to start accepting online payments from your customers,

Step 1. Activating Stripe

  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. Navigate to “Payment Gateways” page under “General Settings” menu.
  3. Click on grey icon in right side of Stripe box that says “Passive“.
  4. Login to your Stripe dashboard, and click on “Developers” link on top right of the page.

    Important: Test mode must be disabled from top right before clicking on “Developers” link from top right. It’s enabled in our example video below. Please check it is not enabled. That toggle should be gray, not orange.
  5. Under Developers menu from left side of page, find and click on API Keys link.
  6. You will see an open “Publishable Key” on that page, and a hidden “Secret Key” below that. Click on “Reveal” button to see your secret key. If you don’t have Reveal button over your Secret Key, click on “+ Create Secret Key” button on top right of that area to generate a new one.
  7. Return back to your RestApp dashboard, then copy and paste “Publishable Key” and “Secret Key” as seen in video below.
  8. Set “Status” as Active.
  9. Set “Refund Canceled Orders” to Automatically if you want refunds to be processed automatically. (Check out our Refunding or Canceling Payments article for details on refunds.)
  10. If you want to use this payment gateway for all your locations, set “Apply to All Locations” on top of the page as “Yes“.
  11. Click on “Save” button to save your Stripe settings.

Step 2. Activating Online Payments

  1. Navigate to “Payment Methods” page under “General Settings” menu.
  2. Select a location to update payment methods.
  3. Select “Online Payment” method on both Delivery and Pickup orders.
  4. Click “Update” button.

Now your customers can easily and securely pay for their orders online.

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