Confirm or Reject a New Order

It’s so easy to confirm or reject your orders.

  1. Login to your dashboard from your desktop or mobile device. You can login by visiting or downloading our RestApp Manage app from App Store or Google Play Store
  2. Navigate to Orders -> New Orders page from menu.

    You will see your orders on this page. They will be categorised as New Orders (Waiting Confirmation), Preparing (Confirmed Orders), Waiting for Delivery (Prepared, and waiting for pickup, or driver)
  3. New orders will be listed under “Waiting Confirmation” section as rectangle boxes. Click on an order to display details of that order.
  4. You can click on “Confirm” if you want to confirm that order, then select time for preparing and delivery and let your customer know that the order is confirmed, and being or will be prepared, and when it will be ready.

    Don’t forget to change status of an order when its prepared, on delivery, or delivered.

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