Creating a New Product with Quick Method

Creating new products is so easy with RestApp. There are three different ways to do that, we will explain both of them in our knowledge base.

In this article we will explain “Quick Create” method. You can create a product in seconds with this method.

Follow these steps to create a new product by using Quick Create method:

  1. Login to your RestApp Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to “Products” page under “Products” menu. (Note: if you cant see Products menu on your main menu, check out our “I Can’t Find Products Page on My Dashboard” article and come back.
  3. You will see your products listed. There is a “Quick Create” button on top right of this page.
  4. You will see a popup now. You need to;

    Type Product Name
    Product name needs to be unique, there can only be one product in your system with same name.

    Select Product Category
    If you can’t see category you want to select, you can create a new category under “Products -> Categories” page, and come back to “Quick Create” popup.

    Select or Upload a Product Image

    Enter Product Description

    Select Menu
    By default there is only one menu. Menus are used for assigning different prices or products for different locations.

    Enter Price
    You can also set different prices for delivery and pickup, to do that, just change “Apply to All Prices” toggle to “No“.

    Select TAX Rate
    You can set your TAX rates from “General Settings -> Tax Settings” page.

    Click on “Add Product” button when you are done. That’s all.

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